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Among the first heroes of the "Heavenly Hundred" of Ukraine was a Belarusian

January 2014 marked the 10th anniversary of the Revolution of Dignity. No one knew about the term "Heavenly Hundred" then. But the Belarusian Mikhail Zhizniewski was one of the first in it.

Mikhail, as well as an Armenian, a citizen of Ukraine, Siarhei Nigayan, died from gunshot wounds. They were posthumously awarded the title of Heroes of Ukraine. The third hero, 50-year-old Yuriy Verbitsky, was kidnapped and found tortured.

At the time of his death, Nigayan was 20, and the Belarusian Zhiznevsky was 25 years old, he did not live 4 days before his birthday...

Mikhail Zhiznyavetsky left Belarus due to political problems. He had a keen sense of justice, was a bright and courageous person. Such people are still being persecuted under the control regime of Belarus.

Therefore, it is not surprising that with the beginning of the revolution in Ukraine, he was one of the first to go to the Maidan.

On the anniversary of the revolution, a memorial procession of the fallen Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred took place in Kyiv. Relatives of the deceased, residents of the Maidan marched through the streets of the capital. Traditionally, they lit lamps and laid flowers at the memorial plaques for the fallen Heroes.

It was the Maidanites, among whom was a Belarusian, who became the driving force of the new Ukrainian army and continue to be it today, fighting for the right to independence and the independence of Ukraine.


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